Makeblock Products
Ultimate Robot Kit
About the Ultimate Robot Kit category
Connect MeLEDMatrix to MegaPI i2c pins
Adding sound to a Makeblock Ultimate 2.0 robot
Ultimate 2.0 Start Sequence
MegaPi Board not all motors running
Makeblock Ulitmate 2 extra ports
Ultimate 2.0 - Compatibility with Smart Camera and Halocode
How to move Ultimate 2.0 Robot Arm when the Ultimate is turned off?
How to Implement an Emergency Power Cut-off for mBot Ultimate 2
[CLOSED] Is there a public 3D model of the MeColor sensor?
3D files for mBot Ultimate Gears?
[Deprecated] Ultimate 2.0 robot with arm broken code
Makeblock ultimate 2.0 robot with gripper upgrades
Raspberry Pi 5 with MegaPi
Self Balancing Robot not working
Ultimate 2.0 Selfbalancing robot - issues with Arduino code
Needed: Ultimate 2.0 Self-balancing Robot Code
[SOLVED] MegaPi I2C pins and motors don't work together?
Motor Rotation and Power
Python with MegaPi + Gyro Sensor returning 0
Motors 1 and 2 are always rotating (Ultimate 2.0, mBlock 5)
[SOLVED] Need help assembling 25 mm DC Encoder Motor (9v, 86 RPM, 1:75 Gear Ratio)
mBot Ultimate's Motors Rotate Uncontrollably at Startup
Makeblock Ultimate 1.0 "Failed to load firmware"
Color Sensing on Ultimate 2.0
Firmware does not work at all
Mbot ultimate 2.0 robotic arm tank, camera module
Makeblock Ultimate 2 Robotic Arm Block Lesson
Spare parts?
Bluetooth gamepad won't connect to MegaPi board
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