Makeblock Products   Ultimate Robot Kit

About the Ultimate Robot Kit category (2)
Makeblock Ulitmate 2 extra ports (2)
MegaPi Board not all motors running (5)
Ultimate 2.0 - Compatibility with Smart Camera and Halocode (4)
How to move Ultimate 2.0 Robot Arm when the Ultimate is turned off? (10)
How to Implement an Emergency Power Cut-off for mBot Ultimate 2 (6)
[CLOSED] Is there a public 3D model of the MeColor sensor? (9)
3D files for mBot Ultimate Gears? (3)
[Deprecated] Ultimate 2.0 robot with arm broken code (13)
Makeblock ultimate 2.0 robot with gripper upgrades (11)
Raspberry Pi 5 with MegaPi (3)
Self Balancing Robot not working (3)
Ultimate 2.0 Selfbalancing robot - issues with Arduino code ( 2 ) (21)
Needed: Ultimate 2.0 Self-balancing Robot Code (8)
[SOLVED] MegaPi I2C pins and motors don't work together? (6)
Motor Rotation and Power (2)
Python with MegaPi + Gyro Sensor returning 0 (4)
Motors 1 and 2 are always rotating (Ultimate 2.0, mBlock 5) (8)
[SOLVED] Need help assembling 25 mm DC Encoder Motor (9v, 86 RPM, 1:75 Gear Ratio) (11)
mBot Ultimate's Motors Rotate Uncontrollably at Startup (8)
Makeblock Ultimate 1.0 "Failed to load firmware" ( 2 ) (25)
Color Sensing on Ultimate 2.0 (15)
Firmware does not work at all (5)
Mbot ultimate 2.0 robotic arm tank, camera module (5)
Makeblock Ultimate 2 Robotic Arm Block Lesson (3)
Spare parts? (3)
Bluetooth gamepad won't connect to MegaPi board (7)
Li-polymer Battery Pack 1800mAh for Ranger/Ultimate/Mega (3)
Arduino or Python programming help (2)
Self balancing robot keeps on falling down. (If you can provide code using mBlock, that would be greatly appreciated.) (5)