Adding sound to a Makeblock Ultimate 2.0 robot


Hey! I have the Ultimate 2.0 kit. I’m a student and part of the tech club at my school. We want to add speakers to the robot. Would we need to create our own adapter or connector for an external speaker and develop our own software?


Hi @Sammy

Essentially, yes! - although there used to be a Makeblock module called the ‘Me Audio Player’ - an acousto-optic output device that was often marketed as part of their ‘Talkative Pet’ pack. As of today’s date, this module still seem to be available - see:

This audio playback module is compatible with the entire series of original (RJ25 connectable) MakeBlock control boards. It has a built-in voice decoding chip and is able to play music and recordings. This module’s connector is marked in white, meaning that it is controlled by I2C signals and must be connected to a white-marked port on the MegaPi main board.


@CommandeR can I have the link to that website?



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