Makeblock Products

Software [About Arduino Code,Ardublock and Mobile App .]
3D Printer
mBot Ranger
XY Plotter
MotionBlock Share anything about Makeblock’s MotionBlock here!<br> Learn more about MotionBlock: <a href=""></a>
Codey Rocky
HaloCode Share anything about Makeblock HaloCode here!<br> Pairing with block-based programming software mBlock, HaloCode offers all sorts of opportunities to experience AI &amp; IoT application with just a few clicks; it makes creation easy and fun.
Ultimate Robot Kit
Starter Kit
Mecanum Wheel Robot Kit

All About Motors, APP and Etc, from Makeblock Team ( 2 ) [Makeblock Products] (32)
Category for Makeblock Products [Makeblock Products] (2)
Airblock bluetooth problem [Airblock] (1)
Control mBot Neo with Bluetooth Controller Joystick [mBot] (2)
Using the Bluetooth Controller with mBot [Makeblock Products] (11)
EncoderMotorOnBoard() not working - Always returning Zero (C++) [mBot Ranger] (2)
Makeblock Ulitmate 2 extra ports [Ultimate Robot Kit] (3)
[SOLVED] Issues with Upload Mode Broadcast codes and mBot [mBot] (5)
Managing programs on CyberPi [mBot] (2)
Smart Servo Ms-12A Arduino GIga R1 board Mbed Architectecture [Makeblock Products] (2)
mBot 2 unusable on iPad due to sidebar [Software] (3)
MegaPi Board not all motors running [Ultimate Robot Kit] (6)
mBot Mega motors not turning when unplugged [mBot] (7)
What are the USB Cable Requirement for mBot 2 (Neo)? [mBot] (3)
mBlock app won't open on my iPhone [Software] (6)
How to create a voice controlled mBot? [mBot] (8)
[SOLVED] mBot Neo only shows Chinese after firmware update today [mBot] (4)
Make Arduino UNO Interact with Sprite [Software] (7)
Firmware Update (09.01.017) doesn't work [mBot Ranger] (3)
Is it possible to send data through USB with CyberPi? [Makeblock Products] (3)
mBlock code for mBot Mega Joystick Control [mBot] (5)
mBot motors not working [mBot] (10)
mBot not running programs when connected by USB ( 2 ) [mBot] (25)
MPU6050 Gyro Sensor not connecting [mBot] (4)
[SOLVED] Is there a way for mBot and mBot Ranger to communicate with each other? [mBot] (8)
[SOLVED] mBot Ranger blinking and not accepting code uploads ( 2 ) [mBot Ranger] (32)
mBot Ranger with Arm [mBot] (2)
[RESOURCE] mBot Ranger Basic RC Car Program [mBot Ranger] (3)
[RESOURCE] OptiBot: How to Code (mBot Ranger Program) [mBot Ranger] (3)
How do I run stepper motors with CyberPi [Makeblock Products] (4)