Ultimate 2.0 - Compatibility with Smart Camera and Halocode


Dear All, I am exploring the Ultimate 2.0 kit and want to make a special project attaching an extra smart camera. I do not see much in the datasheet for any compatible camera and whether ultimate 2.0 is compatible with Halocode which is compatible with Smart Camera.

Please suggest !


@shiva I don’t think the integration options between the mBots (besides mBot Neo) and Halocode are that great. :confused:

You can use the user cloud message extension, which is very slow. Also, I think the Smart Camera is quite expensive :grimacing:.
Sadly, I can’t test or help you a ton, since I don’t have an mBot Ultimate. :frowning:

Good luck!


@shiva Hi there. Umm, Doesn’t the Ultimate 2.0 have a normal board with RJ25 ports, or am I getting that confused? If not, the smart camera does not have support for jumper wires. Halocode, I do not know.


I think what @shiva is looking for is a way to connect the Ultimate 2.0 to the Halocode (wirelessly or wired). Since Halocode is able to communicate with the smart camera, if we could get Halocode to communicate with the smart camera, we could use it as a middle-man between them. This would allow the Ultimate 2.0 to do things based on camera input.


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