
mBlock Extensions Use <a href="https://ext.mblock.cc/">mBlock Extension Builder</a> to add your own device to mBlock or create mBlock 5 extensions. Please leave your questions about mBlock Extension here.<br> Check out mBlock Extension Builder documentation here:<br> <a href="https://www.mblock.cc/doc/en/developer-documentation/developer-documentation.html">https://www.mblock.cc/doc/en/developer-documentation/developer-documentation.html</a>
mBlock 5 Please put your questions/answers/idea about the mBlock 5 products down below in this category. mBlock 5 products include「<a href="http://www.mblock.cc/mblock-software/">mBlock 5 for desktop - Windows | MacOS/</a>」,「<a href="https://ide.mblock.cc">mBlock web</a> - (<a href="https://ide.mblock.cc">https://ide.mblock.cc</a>)」,「mBlock for mobile - Android | IOS」
mBlock 3 Please put your questions/answers/idea about mBlock 3 in this category.<br> Although we know you love mBlock 3, please note that mBlock 3 will keep stable but won’t have any future update.)
mBlock 5 Sugguestions If you have any suggestion or any thought on mBlock 5, feel free to tell us in this category!<br> We will totally take your advice very seriously!
Others things about mBlock If you cannot find a category that can be fit in your question about mBlock, please drop it in this category but please try to state your question as clear as possible.

About the mBlock category [mBlock] (4)
CyberPi label display is not working [Others things about mBlock] (3)
Reconnaissance couleur aléatoire [mBlock 5] (3)
Mblock V3 -> Mblock V5 [mBlock 5] (17)
Mbot1 Self-balancing ( 2 ) [mBlock] (24)
Bluetooth Controller with mBot2 and iPad - mBlock - Learn Coding [mBlock] (5)
Controlling CyberPi display pixelwise [mBlock 5] (12)
Output C variable to mblock [mBlock Extensions] (10)
Does mBlock/Bluetooth work on Linux? [mBlock] (9)
Line follower - a solution I do not understand [mBlock 5] (5)
Python does nothing on mBlock, blocks work fine [mBlock 5] (4)
Add image to dropdown [mBlock Extensions] (2)
Game controllers should have event blocks [mBlock 5 Sugguestions] (1)
Add a new device based on ESP8266 ( 2 ) [mBlock 5] (25)
"File Error. Install Failed" When adding device on mBlock 5 for Windows 10 [mBlock 5] (9)
Failed to compile file code.cpp arduino build failed. arduino build failed [mBlock 5] (2)
Cyberpi has no attribute 'get_shield' [mBlock 5] (7)
How to create button block? [mBlock Extensions] (20)
Full Me 3-Axis Accelerometer and Gyro Library [mBlock Extensions] (11)
Transfer variables between device and sprite in Live Mode [mBlock] (4)
Custom extension live mode configuration [mBlock Extensions] (4)
Mblock 5 + chromebook + 2.4 G [mBlock 5] (8)
Proxy URL ( 2 ) [mBlock 5] (22)
[SOLVED] Stuck at Exercise 5.5 - mBlock Blockly iPad app [mBlock] (5)
Attention mBlock 3 Users [mBlock 3] (2)
Makine ÖĞRENME UZANTISI KALDIRILMIŞ | Machine Learning Extension Removed [mBlock Extensions] (2)
[SOLVED] mBlock PC v5.4.3 no extension found [mBlock Extensions] (6)
Mblock extensions connection error [mBlock 3] (3)
Are there better display commands for CyberPi? [Others things about mBlock] (11)
CyberPi micropython coding using mBlock [mBlock] (9)