General Discussion

Category for General Discussion (2)
Please refrain from looking at posts that are labeled "[spam]" (4)
Note to all Makeblock Forum users (4)
Stop posting ads and cash app stuff (4)
Problems connecting mBot Neo to PC (4)
Merry Christmas!🎄 (4)
Hello, I'm Mirellehgf, A New Member (7)
[SOLVED] Does Arduino UNO R4 Wi-Fi work with mBlock? (11)
Can't Find a MeMcore ZIP File (6)
Need Help Using mBlock in Schools (3)
Using mbot bluetooth module & sensors with arduino uno (3)
MegaPi to mBlock through bluetooth? (15)
Maximize Processes with USB 3.0 Cameras (3)
Looking for long beams (0824, 2424) (3)
[DISCUSSION] Unofficial MakeBlock Sub-Reddit (11)
Merry Christmas! (2)
Notice: makeblock support email update (2)
Laser marking: where it is used and why it is safe (2)
Top 5 CO2 Laser CNC Machines in Europe (2)
How to improve a CNC machine? (2)
Tips and Trics in Laser Cutting Foam (2)
Whether ASA is more suit for 3D printing remote cars than ABS? (2)
I am willing to pay for someone to create 2 extensions. Anyone interested? (2)
JavaScript Example Extension Is Now Available For All! (2)
Upload mode broadcast extension is available for all! (4)
If you are good at using mBlock with Arduino and sensors, I will pay you to do projects (3)
App development (2)
Best Desk Cove Best coworking space in jaipur (3)
ADVERTISEMENT by @AdeaBaku (3)
The best CO2 laser machines: which one is the best and why? (3)