[SOLVED] Does Arduino UNO R4 Wi-Fi work with mBlock?


Is there any way to work with arduino uno r4 wifi with mBlock?
Thank you very much,


@noa Can you send me an image or link of the specific device? I can search for it.


Thank you! Here is the link:


@noa Looks like mBlock has a few R3 devices, which might work, but no official R4 one. Sorry. :cry:


Thank you for checking. Do you know of any plan to mke it available? It has several cool properties :slight_smile:


@noa mBlock doesn’t have plans to support any devices besides the ones they manufacture.


Other devices are created by mBlock users, not mBlock themselves, so there is no guarantee that a device will be made available, or that it will work well.


So, unless somebody creates the device you need using the mBlock extension builder, there are no plans for it to be added. :frowning:


Thank you very much!


I am sorry to disappoint you, but I’m glad I answered your question. :slight_smile: Is it OK for me to mark this as solved?


Yes, sure, thank you


:+1: Alright!