【Important!】Solution to mBlock Driver Problem


Probelm: When I download mBlock in the system of MacOS High Sierra 10.13 or later versions, it shows that no serial driver can be detected and the software can’t connect to Codey, mBot or other hardware.

Reason: The macOS High Sierra 10.13 or later versions require user approval before loading new third-party kernel extensions. mBlock uses CH340 serial driver so it will fail to connect to Codey or mBot if the extension loading is not approved by users.

Find the apple notice at: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/technotes/tn2459/_index.html


  1. Start the terminal: Finder --> Go --> Utilities --> Terminal

2.Copy:sudo kextload /Library/Extensions/usbserial.kext/
3.Paste the line to the terminal and hit Enter. If a command Password shows up, input your computer password and hit Enter. The screenshots are as below:


Input the computer password and hit Enter

4.Open:Preference --> Security & Privacy --> General, and you will find a notice that System Software from developer “jiangsu Qinheng Co. Ltd” was blocked from loading. Click the button Allow as shown below:

Reminder: mBlock 5 of later versions will be accessible at App Store. Users can download later versions at Apple Store to get the problem solved thoroughly (update time to be determined)
If you are to download mBlock 3, you still have to stick to the solution to solve the driver problem.

Problem connecting mBot with mBlock 5 on macOS
connection mode (USB-MAC cable via USB mBot).
MacOS mBlock support for running mBot Makeblock Robot Kit
Certain Code Commands Not Working When Using mBlock App

@tech_support, another issue revolves around the driver not being signed which is what causes OS X to not install it right out of the box. I had to use a beta driver that was signed to fix the issue . :slight_smile:

The moral of that story is to be sure that you get your driver suppliers to properly sign their software to ensure minimum customer discomfort. I’m a long-time techie so tracking down the driver was annoying but not off-putting. Less technical customers, such as a lot of teachers, are not in the same situation. :slight_smile:


Hi chuckmcknight,
Thanks for your valuable suggestion, we’ll record and feedback it to related department.


This made my night! After much fighting and trying to upload different/ new drivers this worked right away. Thank you so much.