Using m Blockly with ultimate 2.0


Is there a way to use the m blockly or the programming function from the m not on the ultimate 2.0?? I opted for the more expandability of the larger kit for my daughter. Just wondering if I could use the simpler to teach her.


Hi, you can use Makeblock App to control Ultimate 2.0, and mBlock App to write program to it, but mBlock Blockly doesn’t support Ultimate 2.0.


Hi. I’ve just spent the last year working on a complete guide to programming the Ultimate 2.0 kit (with new models & new interfaces too). Its not quite finished, but should be with Makeblock for free downloading from their Education Resources site by February. This is a companion volume (Vol. 3.) to my previous book ‘mBot & Me’ (Vol 1.) which you can download as a .pdf file (free) from: 24

N.B. You can learn a lot about the principles of programming and interfacing Ultimate kit models using mBlock5 from the currently available Vol. 1 edition.

Lindsay Rooms


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