Tutorials for mbot



where can I find tutorials for mbot?

Help with Student, textbook of algorithm and Programming

There are several tutorials on the learn.makeblock.com site (link). I also wrote a book based on mBlock and the mBot that is available here (link) with the sales proceeds going to fund children’s robotics.


There are several places to look at:

  1. These Youtube Videos definitely worth to check out!
  2. the “mBlock Blockly” App has an interactive course through the basic programming functions
  3. The Makeblock Education site is also a good source.


Hi @bigeyex. I’m a professor I’m looking forward to learn more about mBot and everything related but I found very hard to access http://education.makeblock.com/resource/. It takes lots of time for the page to load and most of the time it fails to load completely. I tried different browsers but always get the same result. Could it be just me? Do you have the same result? Thank you.


It is ok in my side, also tested with my colleagues’ computers.
Is your network environment special? Like access control or firewall setting in the gateway?


I’m accessing at home. I tested on a PC at school and it worked perfectly from there. Anyway, page loading it’s a little faster today but still not like the speed at school. Should be some issue on my end and I’ll try to find out why it behaves like this. Thanks for your reply!


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