Position tracking


Hey I would like to track the position of my Robot. Whether by tracking the encoder Motor Data (RPM/ Wheel Diameter/Time) or by a GPS like system.
Does annyone got exprience in tracking these Date?
Any suggestion to execute in mBlock5?

Thanks in advance!


Hi henplo,

On mBlock 5 software, there are such program blocks which use the encoder. You can see the program blocks below:

But it can’t detect the wheel diameter etc.


I can messaure the diameter of the Wheel and then do some calculations to receive the driven distance.

I will give feedback if it works…


You may also want to look into reading the z-axis of the 3-axis gyroscope which will give you an idea of angle when you turn your robot. All of these readings will of course be approximate since the gyro has some ‘drift’ which means the angle is never quite correct and the wheels may suffer slip or friction depending on surface.

The other option for directional measurement would be the compass module (https://www.makeblock.com/project/me-compass) - I don’t know if it’s more accurate than the Gyro or not.


Yes that sounds good. I tried tracking by line-following Sensor and its data and then do some calculation. The result was quite disappointing. I guess the execution of the code was to slow that the Robot does not start turning as soon the sensor detects that he lost line on the one side especially the rotation of the Robot was wrongly calculated. I will try to track rotation by compass and driven distance by line-following Sensor.


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