New or old bluetooth module



at moment I am very confused and disappointed. I bought a mBot V1.1 bluetooth edition and an extra 2.4G module. Unfortunally I cannot use the 2.4G module with the new and much smarter mblock 5. So this module is nearly for trash…
Bluetooth is working fine with my tablets, but not with my PC. After reading much this afternoon, I found out that internal bluetooth is not supported and if (with bluetooth update; is this included in the later versions?) I need version 4.0 and not 4.2 (cause of backward compatibility I do not understand this). Furthermore I found out that there are two different bluetooth modules (old and new). How can I find out, what version I have? Are there different model numbers?

There is a bluetooth dongle available. Is this working with mblock 5 without any trouble?

At the moment I think I have bought a wrong product…



Hi pomdas,
2.4G connection can be used with mBlock3;
For mBlock 5 Bluetooth connection, you may read this post.



in other posts I have read that there are two different bluetooth modules. The latest one is said not working with integrated bluetooth at all. Therefore I want to know how I can see, if I have the new or the old bluetooth module. At the moment, my mBot is not recognized from my PC at all (no appearing in bluetooth).


Windows and Bluetoothnis tricky … try upgrading your drivers.

I bought a bluetooth dongle which works much better than the internal bluetooth.


could you show me your Bluetooth module photo?


Since I use the internal bluetooth module for other things, too, I do not want to downgrade my drivers. Therefore I ordered a bluetooth dongle from makeblock. There is no more problem with the connection, it is very stable.

Am I right that the new bluetooth module has a metal cover and the older one not? Or how can I see, what module do I have?


Hi pomdas,
The new bluetooth module with a silver cover (labelled "BLE_V1.0_C), and the old one is blue on the cover and no silver cover. Very few customer may get another older one which also has silver cover (labelled “dual mode v2.0”) and it has same function as the old one in blue.


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