mBot upload issues on Chromebook, timeout and upload fail


hi experts, thank you,
so my classroom has all new chrome desktops, and i connected an mbot v1 via usb to the chromedesktop, it connected using /dev/ttyusb0 port (?), but it said ‘connected’ i went to a sample program for the mbot, tried yto upload to mbot, received the following error.

error: sending 3020: receive data timeout after 1000ms

here si the link to a screenshot:


It means you connected to the wrong port or the mBot needs to be restarted. @magicmarc check out the conversation here to see if it helps:

Are there any other ports available for connection?


thank you @best_codes ! the restart and making sure mlink is running seemed to work!


Awesome! If you have any more issues, be sure to mention me as @Best_codes.


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