[ISSUE] mBot Neo voice recognition block is not working


@matt_ailabjunior Ah! I can’t really copy that, try putting it in three backticks (```code```) or use the code feature:




Finally, I got the correct Python code to work. It does not work with all of the Python3 code, so I found some MicroPython examples to add to my example.

import cyberpi

# Note that this interface only available for the Live mode

# To use the speech recognition function in Upload mode, use the following API

# cyberpi.speech.set_recognition_address(url = “http://msapi.passport3.makeblock.com/ms/bing_speech/interactive”)

# cyberpi.set_recognition_url()

cyberpi.speech.set_recognition_address(url = "http://msapi.passport3.makeblock.com/ms/bing_speech/interactive")
# cyberpi.speech.set_access_token(token = "KEY")


# This section will be automatically configured in later versions.

cyberpi.wifi.connect("SSID", "PASSWORD")

# Set the account and password to those of the Wi-Fi you can access to

while not cyberpi.wifi.is_connect():



cyberpi.led.on(100, 0, 0)

cyberpi.cloud.listen("english", 2)


cyberpi.led.on(0, 0, 0)


@matt_ailabjunior Thanks for the code, and I’m glad you have a solution(ish).

Tip: Do the code like this for even better formatting:



No problem. I am setting up a task for an AI Advanced After School Program that uses AI services as a command and control for other robots. Basically a Command and Control using voice commands.

Therefore, I needed to get this service to work first.

I think there is something seriously wrong with the Block-based coding Makeblock will need to figure it out. I did not need the Block-based code, just the Python.

Very poor documentation in my opinion. I have been doing this for over 20 years, and it took me 2 days to figure it out. No way a kid gets to this level on their own.


@matt_ailabjunior That sounds cool! Please be aware that when it works, it is usually slow :snail:.
I have some experience making simple “AI” things (they’re really mostly NLP). I made a home assistant for my home and weather monitor (which I also made :smiley:) called Heather. It wakes up when I say Hey, Heather and answers questions or runs commands.
Anyway, now that I’m done ranting about myself, about the issues:

Yes, there is, it happened after the last update. I’ll have to notify them.

The Docs are pretty sad. :frowning: I think most of the people who write them are writers that were paid to write without much programming experience. Then, the docs aren’t always very well maintained. It just kind of happens with large companies, sometimes, though.
That said, you might be surprised how fast kids can pick up some things with very little information. :slight_smile:

Have a nice rest of your week, and good luck with your coding!


Makeblock must have now fixed the issue on the Web-based IDE.

I used the following code blocks and it now works.



@matt_ailabjunior That’s good. The new desktop version is based on the web s helpfully it will work, soon, too.


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