How to make robot arm work in mBlock?


Hello everyone,

I built the robotic arm tank with the Ultimate Robot Kit (1.0) and can now make it move (by controlling M1 and M2) and control the led strip attached by using the graphic programming in mBot.

However, I struggle with getting the robotic arm to work or move at all. A third motor is attached to the arm, but it doesn’t show up in mBot - there is no “M3” or anything else than M1 or M2 to choose within the block “set motor [MX] to speed […]”. I see no other block that could make it move and cannot find anything helpful online. The batteries are fully charged and I’m working via USB - connection.

Thanks a lot!


Hi Blue,

You can check with the wiring diagram of Ultimate, the DC Motor-37 which control the Arm is equal to connecting to the RJ 25 Port 2 on the Orion board.

When you program this motor, you can choose Port 2; If you want to control the Gripper, you can choose Port 1.


Thank you! My robot is wired as pictured in the image. However, in the block “set motor”, I can still only choose between the options “M1” and “M2”. Is there anything else that could cause this?


Hi Blue,

You must have chosen the wrong board.
The main board on Starter is Orion board, under the Board option, please choose Starter/Ultimate (Orion) instead of mBot (mCore)
