Thanks a lot for the update, it looks as expected! 
But I would also need the changed/updated megapi firmware that you used for testing, as the current one cannot handle the updated python gyro function. I couldn’t locate a new version in the official github, I am looking for a one, in which these gyro parts are also changed:
MeGyro gyro_ext(0,0x68); //external gryo sensor
void readSensor(uint8_t device)
case GYRO:
uint8_t axis = readBuffer(7);
if((port == 0) && (gyro_ext.getDevAddr() == 0x68)) //extern gyro
value = gyro_ext.getAngle(axis);
Could you please tell if an update is expected soon? I could start editing my own version, but it is a nuisance that I would avoid if possible… (having to compare with any new versions, and possibly messing things up when porting my fixes)