Connecting to a bluetooth speaker through mblock program



We would like to play recorded sounds by connecting a small bluetooth speaker to the mbot and controlling it through the program. If anyone knows how we could do that, please let us know.

Thank you,


Quick search for previous discussions found these:



The ME Audio player might solve your problem without using Bluetooth.


Thank you for the links! I found these useful but couldn’t find a way to communicate from the Scratch program to the bluetooth device (for eg., commands to operate the speaker). We actually tried with Alexa first before attempting to purchase a speaker.

Perhaps it requires additional software or some sort of a driver?


That looks like a good solution! Thank you for bringing it to my notice. I didn’t know such a thing was available. But now, where do I purchase it in the U.S.? I searched online and could find other accessories in Digikey, Robotshop,etc. but not this one.



No clue, ME Audio was hard to find in Germany as well. Maybe send a mail to Makeblock and ask them for a distributor.


If you don’t mind the extra parts,this kit for mBot has Me Audio Player


I searched Amazon but looks like I didn’t observe carefully! Thank you for sending me the link!



Thanks everyone once again for your help in finding a solution!



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