Xz linear motion of an SLR camera


I would like to move an SLR camera in the xz plane (kind of vertical xy table). The camera weights around 1.5 kilos. The speed of movement is not an issue but the positioning should be accurate and repetitive. Is your xy table fit for this task (i.e. can it move a 1.5 kilo load vertically and horizontally) and how accurate is the positioning?


Dear @amitibo, I’m sorry for that we don’t have accurate data of XZ plane until now, Could you take a picture of your frame, and we can rebuild it to have some test? Thank you!

Makeblock Team



I still don’t have a frame, I would like to use your product to build one. In general I need ~30 cm movement in the horizontal and vertical axes. I will use a DSLR camera (~1.5 kilo) to take pictures of an object, and I want to move the camera along one side of the object and take several pictures from predetermined positions. Currently I don’t need to rotate the camera.



Yeah, I see. What’s your requirement of precision?

Makeblock Team



Currently I am setting up the camera manually. I estimate that my precision is around half a millimeter. Do you have the precision of your system?




I’m afraid our system can’t keep the precision under half a millimeter, 1.5 kilo is too heavy for xz system bulid by our shaft and stepping motor. We are sorry for that.

Makeblock Team
