XY Plotter movement to wrong coordinates


Hi there,

i have the following problem. On the left side you see the area which i click in mDraw where the plotter pen should move. On the right side you see where the plotter is moving.

All options are untouched so far.


I’m assuming the orange circle is where you want to plotter to move to, in which case it seems to be trying to move twice as far as it should. This suggests you haven’t got the little Dip-switches on the stepper-motor driver boards set to the recommended HHH settings for the finest resolution, and so the motor is stepping twice the distance it should be?



your recommandation switching to HHH solved the problem (more or less). Many thanks for you help.
Are you available via hangout for another question.



I only log into the forums once a day. You are best posting questions here because the Makeblock staff can also see them and respond.
