XY Plotter , calibration error in mDraw n plotter



Just installed XY plotter, after some error was able to make it work. Will really appreciate if someone can help me with following points:

  1. Before connecting, I have to manually move the pen to 0,0 and set x=0 n y=0 in mDraw, always.

  2. The major problem is with the calibration, 1 mm in the mDraw is moving the pointer by 10mm.


Hi Harsh_Root,

The first one is normal since when the mDraw first connect to the XY plotter, it will remember the carriage position as the Home position on software. So it is sugges to manually move the pen to 0,0, then the home position remembered by the mDraw software is the same physical home position.
For the second problem, do you mean the draw result is 10 times larger than the original image opened in mDraw?
If yes, please make sure that you have set the Microstep Resolution on the two stepper motor drivers to HHH when using mDraw software (pull the white switches on each stepper motor driver to HHH). Please refer to the following picture
