Hi, Anyone had ever tried to use gas sensor on mobt ? I tried but it seems the reading is constant at around 950 and in the makblock web, it didn’t mention mbot support this sensor, any one got experience before?
Will gas sensor work on mbot?
Hi Sunny_Sun,
The Gas sensor can be used on mBot, it can be connected to port 3/ port 4.
Please test with the following program (you may need Upgrade Firmware for mBot before try the online test program):
thx for the post, I had a try, It works by using the “Say” block, but doent work if i use “Variable” block. Another interesting thing I found is: whenever i use the “Say” block with gas sensor, the mblock software will be freezed after a few seconds, not sure why, Did you also see that, I will take more try in later times. Cheers.
Hi Sunny_Sun,
Could you paste your program with “Variable” block here?
For the freeze issue, I haven’t encountered the same situation, may I know which version mBlock do you use and what is operating system of your PC?
It freezes because of something I learned while programming in C#: It takes care of the process asynchronously. Also, it could be that it has to go in the mBot to fetch that info, which includes opening the serial port (mBot on USB), then writing it.
thx for the reply, the problem is: that things doesnt happend before, it happened only recently after upgarding mblcok to the latest version. I am guessging maybe there are some bugs in Varibalbe or List block.
Hi Sunny_Sun,
Which verison mBlock do you use?
The latest version mBlock is 3.3.7 which updated today, currently, I am using the mBlock 3.3.6 and it works ok when I tested the following program:
I am using 3.3.6, just like you. hope the latest version can see improvement to this issue. finger cross