Why my ultrasonic module cant work? (working on mBot)


Q:: Why my Ultrasonic module cant work?

A:: 1.Kindly check whether you have connected Ultrosonic module using port3, if not, chang into port 3.
2.Check if the LED of ultasonic keep solid, if not, the problem should come from connection.
3.You have to press button B on IR, then come into the avoidance model.
4.If all the above is correct, you can make your mBlock connected with mBot and run the test program, check if the Cantoon Panda can say the distance correctly.Ultrasonic test.sb2 (73.0 KB)

If still the problem cant be solved, please contact support@makeblock.cc for replacement.


My ultrasonic module only works with the remote. When I try to program it, I get no response. I linked a variable to it to see what the value is, and it does not respond. Please help.


@Jeff613,could you please send your program to support@makeblock.cc, we will have a look.


same problema that above; I was able to see the distance but not anymore and not in a reliable way. as best practise I have introduced a 1 or 2 seconds timer before getting the distance. but even that is not working any more

I have also reset the “distance” variable to 0 before running the attached code and same result, the distance variable is always shown as 0

any help is much appreciated
