Why is mBot light sensor ignored?


I know my mBot has a light sensor, because I can read it with a C program. (I’m not talking about the line follower or the ultrasonic sensor.) Yet, it isn’t mentioned as a feature on the Makeblock website page for the mBot, nor are there any examples that I can see in Mblock.

Does anyone have any insight into this omission?

Here’s my code:

#include "MeMCore.h"

MeLightSensor lightSensor(PORT_6);

void setup()

void loop()


Sorry, don’t have an mBot, but is this any help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwDHsSc0u7A? it’s using old Mblock software though, maybe it’s a version thing?

http://docs.makeblock.com/diy-platform/en/electronic-modules/main-control-boards/mcore.html the light sensor is part of the mCore board.


There are two mBlock 5 blocks available in mBot’s ‘Makers Platform’ Extension that can read the on-board light sensor.


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