What is the port for bluetooth on the mbot and the mbot ranger?


What is the port for bluetooth on the mbot and the mbot ranger?


mBot - servos

Hi Keithml,

On mBot, there is no RJ25 port for Bluetooth connection. There is a Bluetooth module special for the mBot, please see this link: http://www.makeblock.com/bluetooth-module-for-mbot
And you can plug the Bluetooth module to the Female Header on the mCore show as below:

On mBot Ranger, you can use the above Bluetooth special for mBot eigher. From the mBot Ranger’s package, we provide the same Bluetooth module and it can be pugged into the Female Header on the Auriga Board.
Since there is RJ25 serial port (Port 5) on Auriga, the Me Bluetooth module can work with the Auriga either.



I’m new to robotics. How many servos can be connected to mCore in the mBot robot kit? Is it possible at least two? Is it at the expense of other extensions?
Thank you in advance for your quick response



mCore can run with 2 servos at most.


mCore can run with 2 servos at most.


Thank you for your response
