Using mBot Ranger in class, best approach for demonstrating?



I want to do some simple group demonstrations in class. Which approach do you think is best for quick upload and demonstration?

I am currently connecting through USB and then test with cable attached, and then upload onto the bot. It is a bit burdensome having the cable connected until proper launch.

Is it actually possible to test or upload code outside of using the USB or its the only way?

Any other tips keen to hear them from your experience :slight_smile:



USB is the only way to upload programs for standalone operation. Bluetooth and WiFi don’t have access to the onboard avrdude programmer.

I ran a class last year where all of the programs required the students to upload via USB and it didn’t seem to be a big deal for them.


Thanks Chuck. Good to verify :slight_smile:

Did you come up with or have students discover any cool program ideas?

I have come up with like 5 classes, but need another 6, struggling a bit for ideas :slight_smile:


I wrote an eBook (link) that contains, in essence, the course materials that starts with turning the LEDs on and off then ends (several programs later) with building a maze-solving robot. The book is aimed at the mBot, not the mBot Ranger, but it might be one source for ideas and the proceeds from the sales of the book go to a fund for kids robotics.


with droidscript apk you can create control your bot why you phone but you creating the app
this tutorial show you that better than i can explain it
they are lot opportunity to learn and I think that can be funny
