Unable to connect mBot 2 to mBlock IDE on Linux



I am trying to make an MBot2 work on mBlock5 with no success for days.

On Windows machine I can command LEDs of CyberPi but no command works on the MBot2 (motors, LED, etc.)
I can connect to CyberPi and MBot2 but when I try to update firmwares it fails.

On Linux, using the web mBlock5 I cannot connect to CyberPi. Everytime I try it requires to install mLink DEB file. Installation works, package appears installed on the machine. But Chrome keeps asking to install it when IO try to connect to the CyberPi.

Anyone knows what I am doing wrong ?

Thanks for help,
François & Leonard (my son=)



There may be a couple issues with your mLink installation. I have had these problems myself. :slight_smile:
First, make sure that your system supports DEB files (most Linux OSes do, such as Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Cent OS, etc.) and make sure that you actually use the package installer to install the package.

Next, make sure that you start mLink. Open the terminal on your device, and type
sudo mblock-mlink start


Now, go to Google Chrome (not chromium), and go to https://ide.mblock.cc/, and click connect to connect your device. You should see no message for “Install mLink to Use mBlock Web”. If you do, check the permissions for mBlock in Chrome (go to chrome://settings/content/siteDetails?site=https%3A%2F%2Fide.mblock.cc) and make sure that it can interact with your USB ports.

The problem of you not being able to use mBot 2 functions

may be that you are using the CyberPi device. To use mBot 2 functions, on the CyberPi device, go to the extensions for it:


and add the mBot 2 shield extension:

You will now see mBot 2 blocks in the block palette:

In my case, this resolved my issues. Let me know if you need help with anything else, just mention me as @Best_codes!


Thanks a lot for your answer :slight_smile:
Effectively I didn’t knew about the command line to start the mblock-link program…
I will try it when my son comes back to my home with its robot.
In the meantime while the robot was connected to my linux box my son found a way to update the mbot2 firmware and then on a windows system the robot worked, commanded with scratch. My son was so happy to see it moving :slight_smile:

I will keep you posted when I try the Linux command line.

Thanks again for your precious help,
sincerely yours,


Great! I’m glad you found some workarounds. Be sure to mention me as @Best_codes when you try out the Linux version or if you need any help!