Transfer variables between device and sprite in Live Mode


I’m trying to transfer variables and messages from/to device and sprite
using “Broadcast” and “When I receive” but had no luck.
mBlock is the latest available 5.4.3. Controller Auriga. Connected over usb.
What might be wrong here?


In Live mode, you can just use the same variable in your device and in your sprite. The variable will be synced automatically.

In upload mode, you will need to use the ‘Upload Mode Broadcast’ extension.

Have you uploaded your code to the mBot, or do you only need help for Live Mode?


I’ve uploaded the code and it works just fine.
When switched “Live” mode I’m expecting some part of the code to “Broadcast” and update public variables. Everyting seems to be in place but variables are not updated.
Broadcasting works ok. Messages are received by Sprite but variables are all the 0.


Upload Mode Broadcast works only in upload mode, and using variables across devices and sprites only works in Live Mode.