Stepper Motor does not turn and makes noise (high frequency)



I´ve got a problem with my new MegaPi + 42BYG Stepper Motor + Megapi Stepper Motor Driver V1.

I only want to turn the Stepper, but it does not move. It only make a loud noise. Ive tested different settings (speed from 1 to 3000), but it wont move.

Do you have any idee? I`ve attached 2 pictures of the settings and 1 picture of the code.

I hope you can give me an advice.


Hi Aliveeagle,

Is the power supply plugged into power socket?
Besides, please pull the power switch to on, currently, you are putting it on off. The motor may not get enough power to rotate.



I only pull the “Power switch” to off, because i don`t want to damage the motor. The high frequency noise is only there, when the switch is to “on”.

There is a potentiomenter on the Megapi Stepper Motor Driver V1. When i adjust the potentiometer the sound changes from high frequency to low frequency; but the motor do not rotate.


Hi Aliveeagle,

This potentiometer is for adjusting the current of stepping motor driver. The default position is on the middle, but you can turn it up or down. When potentiometer turned up, the chip will get hotter. So remember to dissipate heat with larger cooling pin or in good cooling conditions.

As for the motor issue, I have down the test with leaving the potentiometer at default position.
After upgrade firmware for MegaPi through mBlock, upload the following program:

Move the USB cable and power on the MegaPi board, the motor rotate properly though there is little noise.

Could you please try followings:

  1. Upgrade Firmware and upload the same program I attached.
  2. Please connect the motor and driver to a different port on MegaPi.
  3. What is the specifications of the power supply (here I use the one with output: 12V/2A)

Please kindly take a video to record the noise and motor operation if still the same issue and then send to
Btw, how many Me stepper motor and MegaPi stepper motor driver do you have?


Hello to both of you,
I am replying to this post because I also seem to be having the same high pitched noise problem (but mine’s moving alright).
I have a MegaPi, a 42BYG Stepper Motor, and a MegaPi Stepper Motor Driver.

I have already done the things you’ve recommended (upgraded firmware, changed the slot for the stepper on the megapi). I am using the power supply you are selling on your website, with an adapter. I have made a video of the weird sounds I get, but unfortunately we can’t hear the high pitch noise over the video. But it’s definitely there. Any suggestions?

Here’s how I’ve set it up:
stepper.setMaxSpeed(400); stepper.setAcceleration(20000); stepper.setMicroStep(6); stepper.enableOutputs();


Hi carolinebuttet,

After you upload the program into the megaPi, please remove the USB cable between the PC and MegaPi and then test if there is high pitched noise?

Besides, keep hte potentiomenter on the Megapi Stepper motor driver to default position (in the middle) have a check.
From the program, you set the speed as 400 for the motor? Kindly check if there is the same high pitched noise when set the speed as 200 and 500.


I tried to fiddle with the driver’s potentiometer, with no luck (the noise just changes). It’s back to the original position now.
Yes, the noise is there even when the USB cable is not plugged.
Actually the noise comes as soon as the script runs, and that the stepper is set up (even when I don’t move it).
I tried to change the speed too, but no luck either. I even tried to change the driver, but it’s the same. Also tried with an alternate power supply (OUTPUT 12V 2A)
For example, when I run this, I get a high pitch sound from beginning to end of script:

void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); stepper.setMaxSpeed(1000); stepper.setAcceleration(20000); stepper.setMicroStep(6); stepper.enableOutputs(); } void lood(){ stepper.moveTo(36);; }

Besides, depending on the stepper’s position when I run it, the noise is variating (but it’s never silent).

Note that the high pitch sound also comes when I run the megaPi stepperOnBoard example.

I read here that sometimes, increasing the switch frequency helps to reduce the noise. Can I do it with my MegaPi?

Alternatively, I was told microstepping could be the cause of the noise, is it possible to set the mode of my driver to FULL steps? (is it SetMicroSteps(0)? Because I get the noise even with this setting).


Hi carolinebuttet,

Double checked the video again.
I wonder if the noise caused by the shock between the motor and the floor. Could you please try take the motor in your hand and see if there is the same noise.
Besides, normally, we set the microstep resolution on the driver to 1/16. You may change the “stepper.setMicroStep(6)” to “stepper.setMicroStep(16)” have a check.
