I tried to fiddle with the driver’s potentiometer, with no luck (the noise just changes). It’s back to the original position now.
Yes, the noise is there even when the USB cable is not plugged.
Actually the noise comes as soon as the script runs, and that the stepper is set up (even when I don’t move it).
I tried to change the speed too, but no luck either. I even tried to change the driver, but it’s the same. Also tried with an alternate power supply (OUTPUT 12V 2A)
For example, when I run this, I get a high pitch sound from beginning to end of script:
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); stepper.setMaxSpeed(1000); stepper.setAcceleration(20000); stepper.setMicroStep(6); stepper.enableOutputs(); } void lood(){ stepper.moveTo(36); stepper.run(); }
Besides, depending on the stepper’s position when I run it, the noise is variating (but it’s never silent).
Note that the high pitch sound also comes when I run the megaPi stepperOnBoard example.
I read here that sometimes, increasing the switch frequency helps to reduce the noise. Can I do it with my MegaPi?
Alternatively, I was told microstepping could be the cause of the noise, is it possible to set the mode of my driver to FULL steps? (is it SetMicroSteps(0)? Because I get the noise even with this setting).