Starter Robot Kit Bluetooth Verson


:cry: Hello
I recently purchased the Starter Robot Kit Bluetooth Version ( Five of them) and I downloaded the Makeblock library and drivers and Arduino. I’m pretty familiar with the Arduino so I uploaded the IR car, ultrasonic car and the IR dual mode.

Tried to compile the Bluetooth Car control and got a cannot fnd paramValue or something message. Search the web, tried to reload the examples and library and now I can’t find the Bluetooth Car example in the menu!


The sketch is carControl.ino I found something in GitHub but need to search again. Don’t know why I can’t find it in Makeblock again.

Beyond that, does any one have a step by step procedure how to get correct software, etc to get the Bluetooth IOS app going? There’s a glut of hard learned info out there and here and my head is swimming.

I bought these kits for kids in Stem and my best success was with the IR 2wd but I only have two units for IR and 5 bluetooths

Any help appreciated



I hope you get a response to your question, because it will likely answer my questions, too!

I bought two Bluetooth kits in hopes of having fun with our foreign exchange student guest. It has been a real disappointment that the tank kit has had all sorts of issues - all well documented in other forum user’s comments.

I have been trying to work through the paramValue error message, too, but no luck so far except to say that I cleared it up when I downloaded firmware - mBot.ino - a second time via Arduino programming IDE. However, I am unsure whether this crashed my iPad connectivity, because it no longer works for anything. My iPhone connectivity still works, but only after I re-download the firmware.

I’ve only being working on this during the last couple of weeks, so I was mostly concerned to read the issue about the DC motors, which seem to work, but poorly; and have the wrong connector orientation. But, once I worked through the low-voltage, my focus turned to troubleshooting the iPad and PC Bluetooth issue. (I am trying to use a terminal emulator to troubleshoot the Bluetooth module, which has the ELET114A BT3.0+BLE chipset.)



I am too having issues with Bluetooth - also Bluetooth Control not in my library. Bit disappointed in Makeblock, as no-one seems to reply to my message sent to them.
I want to be able to use the Bluetooth - that’s why I got it!
Also, I want to combine different commands in my sketch and cannot seem to find the right answers.
I may have to throw Orion in the bin and just re-build using an Arduino board.


Wow why when I ordered 5 mBot, I got 2.4 version?

and I sure that no one from Makeblock to response in this forum.


Sorry for my late reply. Please let me know your order number. If you want to order bluetooth version, we can send a bluetooth module to you.


@rhenders Sorry for my late reply.
Here is the manual of Starter Kit:
We don’t have exclusive hub for Starter Kit on official github account but we shared the code for Starter inside:
And you can control Starter kit with Makeblock App, which can be found on Google Play and App Store by searching Makeblock.


@una, did you reply to me or someone else?


Yes, you definitely. Please give me your order number. Thanks


@una, back packer number is 1156



I will check for you after back to office on Monday, thanks!


I cannot find a working Bluetooth example for my starter kit. Do you have a good example code for bluetooth


Did you ever get the Bluetooth running? Do you have a working code? Thanks
