Son wants to create an own drone from Me Auriga or CyberPI


Hi all,

my 12-year old son has the mBot Ranger, the mBot Neo / CyberPI and the Codey Rockey. Since quite some time he thinks of creating and programming an own drone with the Me Auriga from the Ranger as basis. Although I think the CyberPI might be the better option.

For Christmas, he wants us parents to get the motors and parts necessary for this project :astonished:.

As a start, I thought it would be wise to ask you guys if such a project would be realistic at all - apart from all the difficulties when programming the motor control. And apart from any weight-concerns :smirk:. These two doubts would be something for him to find out himselve :blush:.

Regarding myself, I’m a very experienced software developer, but I have close to no experience with microcontrollers and HW.

My questions are manifold, lets start with the following:

  1. Is this realistic at all or a complete dead-end?
  2. Can 4 motors be connected and controlled to Auriga or CyberPI?
  3. Are there any motors available that could be used for this? Which type of motors would I need for the Auriga / CyberPI?
  4. Can these motors drive propellers and where to find the latter?
  5. Which connectors or additional modules would be needed?

Many thanks for now and greetings,


Hi there:

In theory, it is available, but auriga and cyberipi need to be powered by batteries, auriga is 6-12v, cyberpi is 5V/1a, and currently these two devices have no ready-made motor extension, so you need to spend a lot of time To debug and find the appropriate motor type, consider the overall weight, the model structure of the drone, and the length of the propeller. The biggest problem should be the weight problem, so it should be very difficult to implement.


I thinks so too and already told him that it might become too heavy. He still is eager to try this.

So, disregarding the weight (:roll_eyes:): are there any motors and propellers that could be used for this. With either of the boards?
And what else would we need to get / consider?


Battery life and algorithm,It is also a difficult problem to solve because the developer has not developed an algorithm for drones for these motherboards, which means you have to develop a complete set of flying algorithms by yourself.


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