[SOLVED] New mBot is not working with Bluetooth (battery defective)


I have recently purchased an mBot. However there is some problem that can’t be solved.

Everything works well when I plug in the USB and use the “live” mode to programming.

However whenever it is unplugged, it won’t move. Whether it’s from upload mode or trying to control from mobile app. I believe the connection is ok since can control the LED, and can control the sound, however whenever it comes to a moving command it would just not do anything. The firmware has been updated however that does not help. Could anyone please help me fix this? Thanks in advance!


@kernelliu Do you upload the code before switching to upload mode? Otherwise, it will not run.


@Best_codes Seems that the problem is from battery defect. Replaced new batteries and it works well now. Thanks all the same!


@kernelliu Awesome! Glad the issue is resolved. :+1:


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