hi, im attempting to use the mbot2 and the sprite together. ive got he broadcats extensions on both mbot2 and sprite and the following codes:
in short, when button A is prerssed the mbot led should say ‘wonder twin powers’ … activate… form of… then we enter the answer to ‘form of’ into the sprite stage area for the question, when the answer is typed in, the variable ‘form of’ is set to answer… and it send broadcast back to mbot to say the ‘answer’ (the value of ‘form of’)
however, each time all it does, although we see the value of the variable ‘form of’ change on the stage area… it doesnt get transmitted to the mbot2, and the led on the mbot2 shows ‘0’, not the current value of ‘form of’
i also notice, that when the A button is clicked, ive got code to ‘set ‘form of’ to 0’ (which is why the led shows 0 probably…) BUT, when the button is pressed, the value in the stage area stays whatever it last was, until somethnig is typed for answer… thus, its not 'setting ‘form of’ to 0, when the rpogram is started… it stays the last value until the ASK is answered…
if this makes any sense,
thank everyone.