Show all conectable devices always ON


is there any way that the option “show all conectable devices” is always ON ?


Hi guillermonestord,

Could you please help take a screenshoot showing where you find the option “show all conectable devices”?


under device -> connect

“show all conectable devices”

when unplug the arduino uno compatible device the option go off anytime.
when reconect I must enable again.

I want allways ON because my device in com6 show when enable this option.


Hi guillermonestord,

Thanks for your clarify. i have confirmed with the engineer that the default settings for it is unchecked and you can enable it manually if need. I am afraid that currently there is no plan to modify this option.


maybe when I check not go unchecked when device unplug.
This must be great.

Default unchecked.
But if I checked no turn off when unplug device.