Sending GCode to the Orion XY /w Laser on Linux



I have the Orion based XY Plotter 2.0 with laser upgrade. I have been using it with no problems with Benbox in windows but now I need to get it working in Linux.

I only ever used BenBox to paste GCode into and it worked perfectly for my needs. I have gotten to the point where can send individual commands to the plotter via mDraw or the arduino IDE serial monitor but this is obviously slow and inconvenient.

Could someone recommend a way for me to be able to send whole gcode files to the XY plotter in the same fashion as BenBox, but on linux?

I would also like to request that the feature be added to mDraw.



I use GRemote for windows, but apparently there is a Linux version as well. It does everything I need it to and can import GCode files and execute them on the XY Plotter.


Thanks for the reply,

I’ve been having difficulty getting GRemote to work on my system. There are a load of conflicts in the dependencies. I’m working my way through them but currently stuck trying to connect to the plotter. I can connect no problem using mDraw, but GRemote wont advance past the port selection stage :frowning:
