Restoring firmware Mbot2


Hi today I used for the first time mbot2. It was working fine. Then I updated the firmware to the latest version and suddenly it didn’t work anymore. It s not running anymore, only lights are working.
How can I restore the previous firmware? There is no option to restore it in the pc version of the app.
Best regards, thank you!

Giorgio Simonetti


I don’t know if you can… Maybe you can re-update the firmware or try mBlock online:


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Das gleiche Problem habe ich auch erlebt, aber ich downloade die Firmware nochmal.
Aber was komisch ist: Das Display zeigt nichts an aber ich habe ne Verbindung im Laptop.


Hi einmal die Firmware erneut aktualiesieren. Nach Abschluss des Downloades startet das Display und du musst die Sprache auswählen.


Schau,es geht wieder nach erneutem Firmware Update.


As @Computerliebe said:

Connect to the device in mBlock.
Then go to settings.
Then go to the firmware option.
Then you come here.
And then just click, “Updates”.
Then it updates.
I also experienced the same problem, but I download the firmware again.
But what is strange: The display shows nothing, but I have a connection in the laptop.


Thank you very much for your kind help! I solved the problem!


No problem!


Genau kein Problem😀


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