[RESOURCE] OptiBot: How to Code (mBot Ranger Program)


Just thought I would share this. If you code this, you MUST have the bluetooth controller from Makeblock, paired to the mBot Ranger, and a MeRGB LED Module. The module normally comes in the mBot Starter Interactive Light & Sound. You can get the LED panel at this link: https://www.robotshop.com/products/makeblock-me-led-matrix-8x16-mbot
And the MeRGB LED Here: https://www.robotshop.com/products/makeblock-mbot-add-on-pack-interactive-light-sound

Have fun!

This is a public beta. This program is not finished. Replies to this conversation will contain updates to this program.


(Continuing the train of thought in one of my previous posts in a different topic)
Also, for really long codes like this one, it might be helpful to upload the .mblock file for the project (export it, rename it to zip, and upload it), so that people don’t have to manually copy everything from your image. :slight_smile:

Nice code, though!



My mBot Ranger is still waiting for a transplant. I have not been able to test this. I will reply with “It works!” or “It didn’t work” if the code fails to upload, or some other items fail to upload to the board.


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