[Resolved] Serial "Send" button in "Arduino Mode" doesn't work?


I’m using mBot and mBlock 3.2.1:
In mBlock, if I check Edit–>Arduino Mode, a right hand panel is displayed showing source code corresponding to any mBot Program code in the project.
At the bottom of the display, there is a running log of the serial data being sent back and forth to the mBot via USB (or 2.4G) as the mBlock program runs.
There is also a bottom line which has a “char mode”/“binary mode” button, a text entry field and a “send” button. I expect when I click “send” that whatever characters I’ve typed in the text entry field will be sent over the serial interface to mBot. However, this doesn’t seem to happen… or if it does, it doesn’t get logged on the screen like the other traffic. I’ve tried “char mode” and “binary mode” and neither seems to do anything.
Has anybody else tried to use this to send commands to mBot (or any of the other Makeblock boards)?


Never mind. Apparently this was operator error or something flakey with connecting the serial interface. It seems to be working now.