Updated the firmware of my Laserbox Pro to 1.1.9. Went in to engrave as I always do and noticed quickly that instead of getting my clean clear engrave I expect, it was basically engraving dots. I stopped the project and figured I had done something wrong. I re-positioned the piece then attempted to engrave again only to have the same issue. After a very frustrating hour, I changed almost everything in the material setting and was finally able to change the lines per cm to get a clean clear burn. So my question is, will this effect all my saved material settings and will I have to configure them accordingly? Has anyone else had issues? What changed in the update to make this an issue?
Recent Firmware update
I am wondering if this newest firmware is the cause of my issues too…? my engravings are no longer crisp (lines look a bit zig zagged in portions) I’ve cleaned all the mirrors, lens, rails/oiled, wiped down belts. Done a light alignment… and even though it seems to be just about dead on, I’m still getting miss cuts, and not perfect engravings.
I was chatting with another member of the fb group earlier, and he said when he updated it seems it has automatically selected dither as the default setting the engraving… perhaps that is what has caused your issue.
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