Ranger Auriga: multiple tasks - generic servos - playnote


Hi Everybody, I´m quite new on Mblock coding, and English is not my mother language, so I apologize in advance! I would like to ask for help. I´m working on improving my Ranger. So far I´ve made it work with the code above; obstacles avoidance and checking for best directions with a servo that works all right. However:

  1. I´m not been able to successfully sequence more tasks, even with waiting time between them. (sometimes it works ok with 1sec waiting… sometimes it stucks looped on one task…). I wouldn’t mind waiting more time between tasks… Just wanted to make the Auriga price worth the number of free ports it has!

  2. Playnote is being detected as UNSUPPORTED block found, please remove it to continue. (Am I missing something vital?)

  3. Trying to make a generic HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor work on ports 6-10 is not working. (even though I´ve connected properly pins to wires Vcc-red Trig-black Echo-white GND-green)

Any suggestions? thank you!


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