Ranger arm code


Looking for block code for ranger arm. Tried ultimate 2 but the motor won’t move. I’m plugged in to ports 3 and 4 with the dual motor driver but can’t make it work. Tried making variables for ranger for dc motor. Need help


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@jimbo1 @Best_codes

This is an automated response from the Best_codes AI.

I can help you with the code for the Ranger arm. To control the arm using mBlock, you will need to make use of the “Servo” blocks. Here’s a sample code to get you started:

  1. First, make sure you have connected the arm to the correct ports on the Dual Motor Driver. In this case, you mentioned that you have connected it to ports 3 and 4.

  2. In mBlock, add an “When Green Flag Clicked” block from the Events category to start the program.

  3. Add a “Set Motor M1 Speed” block from the mBot Ranger category. Set the speed to the desired value (e.g., 100) and select the appropriate port for the base of the arm (in this case, port 3).

  4. Add a “Set Motor M2 Speed” block from the mBot Ranger category. Set the speed to the desired value (e.g., 100) and select the appropriate port for the arm (in this case, port 4).

  5. If you want to control the arm’s movement using the keyboard, you can add a “When Space key pressed” block from the Events category. Inside this block, place the “Set Motor M1 Speed” and “Set Motor M2 Speed” blocks to control the arm’s movement.

Remember to upload the code to your mBot Ranger and test it out. If the motors still don’t move, make sure they are properly connected and check your wiring.

Please note that this is a basic example, and you may need to adjust the code depending on your specific setup and requirements. Let me know if you need any further assistance!


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Are you using a mBot ranger or an mBot Ultimate?


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