Questions about DEBIAN, mLink and Chromium extension


Hi everyone,
I am new to mBlok and I’m trying to make it run on my Debian 10. My goal is to try to create apps for an Aduino based platform : WatchX

I have Chromium and Mozilla Firefox. There is an extension called “Hash Scratch” for Chromium but not for Mozilla. What is this extension supposed to do? There doesn’t seem to be anything happening with this extension on Chromium. Any clue?

When pointing Firefox to it works fine. With Chromium I get the following error: your video card driver id obsolete, update it and try again. Any clue ? (given things look ok with Firefox, using Chromium is not a priority, unless it really brings something more).

I’ve downloaded the Debian package
What is it supposed to do??? The install is correct and I can run “sudo mblock-mlink start”. But then …?
Nothing seems to start.
Do I have to point my browser somewhere ?
I had a glance inside the starting script and it looks like it creates a server that listens to port 55278, but nothing happens when pointing to localhost:55278 (though it doesn’t say the server is unreachable, it just “waits” for an answer…).

I don’t plan to run mBlock under WINE or in a virtual machine. I do want to run mBlock in a native environment.

That’s a lot of questions and issues…
Thanks for you help :smiley: