Quad rgb sensor


I am having a problem with the quad rgb sensor when running a program on the mbot2.
I am using a mac with the mblock version 5.4.0
Here is my program

I get an error when running the program (photo taken from another posting)

I tried the same program on a pc (windows) and didn’t get an error (the version used is the same)… but I realized that on the mac the block I use says … line IN status and on the other computer (where it works) it says status IS…
I saw in a posting somebody said that I needed to update the firmware to version (44.01.009)… I have (44.01.006)… no update is allowing me to have that version !!!

It looks like there is a problem when using the “quad regb sensor” but there is no problem when I use the “quad rgb sensor probe”… any clarification ? I am confused. Help !!!


Could you send me a screenshot of the Python code?
Click the orange button that shows the text </> to show it:

Thanks for your time,


Thank you for the reply…
I found that my problem was related to the fact that the cyberpi was not updated. I updated on the last version, everything is running fine.




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