Problems uploading


I cannot upload my mblock programs to the arduino board. It happens with all the programs that I’ve tried. Mblock is connected and mLink2 open. I cannot undestand what the problem is. The message that appears says Failed to compile file code.cpp

Arduino compile fail

Arduino server disconnected.

The whole message:
It appears: Command failed: avr-toolchain/bin/avr-g++ -c -g -Os -w -std=gnu++11 -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -MMD -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10605 -DARDUINO_AVR_UNO -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -I"/app/src/external/arduino/avr-library/variants/standard" -I"/root/mblock-avr/temp/build" -I"avr-library/cores/arduino" -I"arduino-libraries/makeblock/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/makeblock/src/utility/avr/" -I"avr-library/libraries/Wire/src/utility/" -I"avr-library/libraries/Wire/src/" -I"avr-library/libraries/EEPROM/src/" -I"avr-library/libraries/SPI/src/" -I"avr-library/libraries/SoftwareSerial/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/WiFi/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/SD/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Bridge/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Temboo/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Servo/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Ethernet/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/TFT/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/SpacebrewYun/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/LiquidCrystal/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/GSM/src/" “/root/mblock-avr/temp/build/code.cpp” -o “/root/mblock-avr/temp/build/code.o” /root/mblock-avr/temp/build/code.cpp:15:7: error: conflicting declaration ‘float A0’ float A0 = 0; ^~ In file included from avr-library/cores/arduino/Arduino.h:257:0, from /root/mblock-avr/temp/build/code.cpp:1: /app/src/external/arduino/avr-library/variants/standard/pins_arduino.h:65:22: note: previous declaration as ‘const uint8_t A0’ static const uint8_t A0 = PIN_A0; ^~ /root/mblock-avr/temp/build/code.cpp: In function ‘void setup()’: /root/mblock-avr/temp/build/code.cpp:27:39: error: assignment of read-only variable ‘A0’ A0 = (1 + analogRead(A0+0) / 100); ^

Failed to compile file code.cpp

Arduino compile fail

Arduino server disconnected.


What codes are you uploading and what arduino are you using?


Arduino Uno.
My code (10 leds and 1 ldr so that less light in the room more leds turned on). But I have the same problem with all my programs. I’ve even tried to copy the C++ code in arduino online and it does not work either.


The error message says that there is a conflicting declaration of the variable A0 in your code. The variable A0 is already defined as a constant in the Arduino library, but you are trying to assign a new value to it.

To resolve this issue, you need to choose a different variable name for your A0 variable. Here’s an example of how you can modify your code:

float myA0 = 0;

void setup() {
  myA0 = (1 + analogRead(A0 + 0) / 100);
  // Rest of your setup code

void loop() {
  // Your loop code

Basically, you just need to rename your variable.

After making this change, please try uploading your mBlock program to the Arduino board again to see if the issue is resolved.
