Problems running 2 stepper motors with MegaPi


using a megaPi, i have two stepper motors, 2 drivers, and
as soon as i ask (in version 3.4.2) Mblock to start the second motor,
the program breaks and just the second motor continues to spin.

resetting the board allows to try again, but i have switched ports,
drivers, in every imaginable array. happens every time 2 motors are
trying to run, but i have a fat 12v power supply running to the MegaPi
and all other functions work, like running the Me LED module, or the camera shutter…



Hi Kevin,

Did you test the online program or you upload your program to the main board while testing.
Please upgrade firmware for MegaPi board and then upload the following example program to MegaPi instead of testing it online, then test it have a try

PS: Check if you have connected the two stepper motors to Port 1 and Port 3.


thanks i have started another thread about this same problem, now with all new parts.
its still failing after asking the second motor to spin! Please help!

I love your products.


Hi Kevin,

Sorry for the previous confusion.
We have confirmed with our engineer, above two program blocks are not supposed to use together. when you put these two program blocks together, the program block execute fast so that the first motor can’t finish rotating the degrees needed in first program block, it needs to execute the second command.
This program block can be used in following situation individually:


go that figured out…
now i am trying to use the megaPi to control the motors more exactly, using other libraries, but
i am having a hard time assigning the correct 4 pins


now i need to smooth out the stepping on the pan head, at slow speeds its a little too jittery for me.

any tips on how to smooth that out? i am adding some gear reduction, but also might try an encoder motor to see if that runs smoother.