Problem with varialbe and list block when programing Uno with mblock


Hi, There:

While I am tweaking my Uno with mblock, there are some thing wrong with variable. see here.

the hardware setting is very simple, a LED is connnected to Uno pin9 with a 100ohm resistor.
the program is written by mblock like below

since i setup pin 9 as high in the beginning of the loop. I am assuming that the varialbe will show 1 and led will always on. but when i actuallly run the code, I found the led will flash on very seconds and the variable reading is always 0. Same things happened when I use list. Only 0 show up. It seems whenever the variable/list block is executed, it will turn off pin 9. Since pin 9 is not tx/rx pin, I am not expecting this thing should happen. I had tried on other digital pin and same things happen.

can anybody explain what happened for the variable/list blocks and how can they impact the digital pin reading?
