Problem with mbot, unable to run after unplugging USB cable


I plugged in the USB cable to connect the mbot to my Lenovo Windows computer. I downloaded the mbot programme, with the block codes. After I made a simple code, I “Upload to device”. However, when I unplugged the cable and pressed the on-board button, it fails to move.

Then I tried something else. If I connected the USB cable and pressed the green flag, the code runs and my mbot moves… but it is restricted by the USB cable. How am I supposed to resolve this problem?


It may be caused by lack of power, try a new batter or recharge the battery.


I dont think so, mbot turns on perfectly fine.


Low power can also power on the LED. Did you try new battery?
If still the same, please take a video of the issue for me, including the code and process of uploading.


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