Problem when trying to upload the code to arduino UNO from the browser with mLink in Windows 10


Hi, I can perfectly run programs in Live mode to Arduino UNO from google Chrome in Windows 10.
But when I try to upload the code, it doesn’t work and throws the following error:

Command failed: avr-toolchain/bin/avr-g++ -c -g -Os -w -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -MMD -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10605 -DARDUINO_AVR_UNO -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -I"/app/src/external/arduino/avr-library/variants/standard" -I"avr-library/cores/arduino" -I"arduino-libraries/makeblock/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/makeblock/src/utility/avr/" -I"avr-library/libraries/Wire/src/utility/" -I"avr-library/libraries/Wire/src/" -I"avr-library/libraries/EEPROM/src/" -I"avr-library/libraries/SPI/src/" -I"avr-library/libraries/SoftwareSerial/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/WiFi/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/SD/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Bridge/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Temboo/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Servo/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Ethernet/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/TFT/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/SpacebrewYun/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/LiquidCrystal/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/GSM/src/" “/root/mblock-avr/temp/build/code.cpp” -o “/root/mblock-avr/temp/build/code.o” sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory /bin/sh: 1: avr-toolchain/bin/avr-g++: not found

Failed to compile file code.cpp

Arduino compile finish.

Arduino server disconnected.

Any help would be appreciated!


Hi jolosan,
Please download and install the mBlock5 software to your computer and try.

By the way, please share me the code that you are trying to upload.
Also please show me a screenshot of the error message.


Yes, I have the same problem too. It must be a recent bug with the online mBlock because it didn’t do this before.

Uploading with the Windows/macOS version of mBlock 5 is fine, but I tend not to use this version since I cannot sign out and sign in with different accounts, unlike the web version.

In the ‘Upload Progress’ window, I get this:

start processing code…

processing code by middleware of pinMode

Arduino server connected.

Arduino compile…


avr-toolchain/bin/avr-g++ -c -g -Os -w -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -MMD -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10605 -DARDUINO_AVR_UNO -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -I"/app/src/external/arduino/avr-library/variants/standard" -I"avr-library/cores/arduino" -I"arduino-libraries/makeblock/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/makeblock/src/utility/avr/" -I"avr-library/libraries/Wire/src/utility/" -I"avr-library/libraries/Wire/src/" -I"avr-library/libraries/EEPROM/src/" -I"avr-library/libraries/SPI/src/" -I"avr-library/libraries/SoftwareSerial/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/WiFi/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/SD/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Bridge/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Temboo/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Servo/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Ethernet/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/TFT/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/SpacebrewYun/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/LiquidCrystal/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/GSM/src/" “/root/mblock-avr/temp/build/code.cpp” -o “/root/mblock-avr/temp/build/code.o”

Command failed: avr-toolchain/bin/avr-g++ -c -g -Os -w -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -MMD -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10605 -DARDUINO_AVR_UNO -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -I"/app/src/external/arduino/avr-library/variants/standard" -I"avr-library/cores/arduino" -I"arduino-libraries/makeblock/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/makeblock/src/utility/avr/" -I"avr-library/libraries/Wire/src/utility/" -I"avr-library/libraries/Wire/src/" -I"avr-library/libraries/EEPROM/src/" -I"avr-library/libraries/SPI/src/" -I"avr-library/libraries/SoftwareSerial/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/WiFi/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/SD/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Bridge/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Temboo/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Servo/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Ethernet/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/TFT/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/SpacebrewYun/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/LiquidCrystal/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/GSM/src/" “/root/mblock-avr/temp/build/code.cpp” -o “/root/mblock-avr/temp/build/code.o” sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory /bin/sh: 1: avr-toolchain/bin/avr-g++: not found

Failed to compile file code.cpp

Arduino compile finish.

Arduino server disconnected.


If you’re able to access YouTube, a more detailed description of the issue can be found here:


Good news for now: The problem appears to have been fixed! It is now possible to upload code from mBlock via. mLink to the boards again. Many thanks.


@pcmarriott, Good news.
@jolosan, please confirm if your problem also fixed.


Same here. can anybody help?


Hi ericchiu,
Please share me the code that you are using.
I will test it on my side.


Hello tech_support,
it seems the upload issue for Arduinos is there again. The problem seems to be at your server: “avr-toolchain/bin/avr-g++: not found”. It also appears when I try to upload an “empty” program with just the minimal code required.

Thank you very much!


Hello Makeblock,

I often program with mBlock 5 over the internet and mLink 2.1.1 without any problems.
Unfortunately, I am currently having the same problem with my mBot.

  1. Cannot download with mLink2 and the internet version (mBot);
  2. Possible to uplode the Firmware (mBot);
  3. Possible to download with mLink2 and the internet version (Codey);
  4. Possible to download without mLink2 and local version of mBlock 5.3.0 (mBot);

Change felt: Installation of Arduino IDE 2.0.0 beta3 and the PlatformIO for Visual Core.
Questioning: Did the installations feel changed the PATH for the Arduino libraries…
How does your mLink 2.1.1 work ???



It is functional, it was probably on the side of the Makeblock servers ??? Otherwise, that’s okay for me !!


Hi Crackel, can you share me the program you failed to upload? I will try from our side and find out what’s happening


When that didn’t work, I put the project aside and try it the next day. It worked so I’m happy.


I get the same toolchain error trying to upload a program. It was working and now cannot load at all even with blank program. Is there a solution?


Hi, I am having the same issue - would love to know a solution


Hi capers1964, shortstuff

Yesterday there was a problem but this morning it is correct. Please try again and don’t keep up to date.


Dear all, it seems to be a problem of the server service, and we restarted it. Now the problem should be fixed, please try again


I tested with my students this morning from a windows computer and the online version it doesn’t works ( error with compilation) We also tested from chromes and it happens the same error with compilation
Before easter holidays it works for us.


Hello, can you record a video to show the problem then send to ? It would be more helpful to located the problem with video


Hi Tech_support,

Another compilation error. Is this a server problem with you?