Problem downloading or using Mbot extension for App Inventor


Doesn’t work the app inventor extension mBot download (at least from Spain). Please, can youd send me the aix file or solve it.

I’d just buy two mBot (more in the next days) to using them with App Inventor.
Last week I installed the 1.9 extension from url ( ) with no problems

But today, it’s impossible. App inventor says me:

Import Extension Failed!
Server returned HTTP response code: 530 for URL: …MBot_v1.9.aix

I’d try download from as says in this forum message number 13025 forum _ makeblock _ com _ t _ i-need-the-latest-version-of-the-extension-for-mbot-and-appinventor/13025) but doesn’t works!. It seams your server refuse the connextion.

Please, can youd send me the aix file or solve it.



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Click here to get more details about ICP Filing.

what’s means that? How I can get the aix mBot App Inventor extension?


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