Poor man's Gyro sensor


Just in case somebody have same trouble being able to buy a MeGyro Sensor (out of stock at all distributors), here is a short description how to build you own with the Me RJ25 ($2.99) and a cheap MPU-6050 3 Axis Gyro Sensor Module (about $2 - mine left over from another Arduino project).

With the Me RJ25 you need to solder the Pin Header to get access to I2C connectors. Simply connect the pins from Me RJ25 with matching from MPU-6050 (VCC->VCC, GND->GND, SCL->SCL and SDA->SDA) and the RJ25 cable with any free port (port 1 in my case, but all ports with white label indicate I2C connectivity).

Finally I fixed the MPU-6050 sensor with a cable strap to the mBot, that’s all.

and a closer picture to show the connection:

Finally I create a short scratch within mBlock to see if this is working:

From scratch shown above the sprite will point into the same direction as the mBot :slightly_smiling:

Test Gyro.sb2 (20.0 KB)


This is really cool! I’m going to try it :slight_smile:


Theoretically can you use directly the RJ25 to Dupont Wire (Pair for $1.49) and drop the total cost of this gyro sensor and the need of welding if the MPU-6050 has already pin headers.
