Poor instructions


Ok so the image attached with the circles around is the part that I am struggling with. Some idiot decided to make a diagram and not explain anything… the screws DO NOT line up with the holes but it shows the top of the bracket FLUSH with other part it screws into!! If I screw it in the center gap how can I assure I get it centered? ALSO it doesn’t say how far apart to space the gear as well as how far down the place the shaft. very bad instructions and I’m sure it’s only going to get worse!!!


And another things is it shows THREE of the headless screws there but I only see a spot for ONE!! WTF???




Hi ShaZakLar,

I personally used pictures of the assembled plotter and a little guessing to where the screws go. Unfortunately, I can’t give you better help - otherwise I would have to write the complete assembly guide. And that should be the task of the Makeblock guys of course.

However, if you continue to construct the plotter I can recommend you an improvement in the construction of the header. If I wouldn’t have it done “my way”, the screws would not have fitted at all. The slightly modified construction I used works very well and doesn’t have any side effects.

You can find it here (unfortunately I refer to the original guide, which you would have to read first in order to undestand it):



@ShaZakLar I completely agree. I’ve had an especially difficult time with this diagram. This caused the most delay so far.

To Makeblock:

  1. Good job on separating most of screws. I only wish you could have separated all of the fasteners and labeled each bag. This one step could’ve made this so much easier to assemble for younger children who don’t own calipers. Some fasteners which are part of the end stops were separated for good reason. The issue is because they were separated, labeling everything I had ibefore I started the build process were made that much more difficult.

  2. The assembly instructions for the above section should be completely re-written.

2a. The location for each screw should be clearly shown on diagram and section. 2b. If you can’t do it in one page, don’t do it on one page. Add additional diagrams that clearly indicate where each and every screw goes. 2c. At this angle I can’t even see the entire left portion of the x axis carriage even if you were to label this properly. Again a close up of this would prove helpful. 3d. What pictures are available are wrong. The left side carriage and the right side carriage for the x axis has screws in the wrong spot. When sliding the x axis carriage left and right if hits the screws on both ends. I’m going to have to partially disassemble this to fix. While some people here have clearly made it passed this point it could easily stop a younger child from building this kit making it less accessible. These were clearly labeled as Note 1 and 2 on this doc (http://learn.makeblock.cc/learn/resources/XY-plotter-V2.02-full-package/XY-Plotter-V2.02-Assembly-instructions.pdf)

  1. Smooth rod D4x80mm won’t fit through the flange bearing on the left side of the x axis carriage. Bracket U1 is used to hold an assembly of the timing pulley and smooth rod to loop a timing belt from the right side carriage.


Ping? Can I get some help here?


I had some trouble with those as well. I used a combination of scraping the end of the rod to smooth any protrusion, wiggling the rod, and brute force to get them through. Once the end is through, it should rotate freely. Also, check the flange to make sure there aren’t any defects in the inner ring that could be blocking the rod.


Thanks Salvatore! I will give that a try.


They are relying on good will and enthusiasm, but they are generating frustration and ill will!
